Haven Day Provisions
Offering support for adults with
behaviour that challenges
the vision
Our vision is for anyone with Autistic Spectrum Condition/severe learning disabilities/complex needs, who display behaviour that challenges, to have the same life opportunities as everyone else. We successfully support a large number of people with complex needs, many of whom joined us with a history of behaviour that has challenged previous services.
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS)
Staff who specialise in complex behavioural needs
Bespoke package for each of our members to enable them to learn new life skills

working towards goals
Waves provides a safe, caring and responsive environment designed to help people reach their goals.
Identifying achievable personal goals and offering support to achieve them. Staff are trained to focus on prevention (identifying potential triggers), building communication skills and to work with people to find other ways to manage their feelings. This can be a difficult and often slow process with staff taking time to build good relationships and establishing trust with members, but we have many success stories. For example, members who came to us with a reputation for being very challenging to support but who now have their own tenancies, and are able to live their life the way they chose. All with continued support from staff that know them well.
“members who came to us with a reputation for being very challenging now have their own tenancies”
We offer a structured approach to supporting people when there are behaviours that challenge, moving focus away from what is challenging to supporting positive behaviours. Challenging behaviours are assessed to find out what they mean for the person, and then support is given to develop alternative skills to meet this purpose. Displaying behaviour that challenges is a way of letting people know your feelings and emotions when you don’t have the communication or social skills to do so in other ways
The behaviour lead and support staff will be involved in the initial assessment with families and professionals and will work together to develop PBS plans. Staff continue to communicate and build strong relationships with families/carers to enable a consistent approach, leading to a reduction in behaviours that challenge over time giving increased stability and a better quality of life for the individual and often their families.

Waves has developed a unique strategy for members with behaviours that challenge. Although there is a separate building designed to allow people to have their own space in a quiet and calm environment when needed, they will still have access to all the facilities Waves has to offer as well as spending time out and about in the community. Members may book the spa, spend time in the garden or the animal centre as well as joining in the many activities we offer. This can be done with or without other members from the Day Centre, depending on the individuals needs and/or behaviours.
We also offer holidays and bespoke respite breaks if required.